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I believe there is a purpose behind our pain. With every experience I am convinced more and more that our creator loves us and he has an ultimate goal to purify us while we are on this place called earth. I believe that is what Jesus was referring to when he said that Peter was being sifted as wheat. Refining or Sanctification is not an easy process for anyone. We have the key or "game changer" Jesus Christ to rely on and he surrounds us in his love, compassion and companionship especially when we are going through a trial. He is not the procuring cause of our pain, yet he sent his son Jesus to die a brutal death so we may be set free.
I like the colorful eyes and see the imagery in them. The eyes are crying tears of color. Realizing when we are in a trial and we cry that Jesus has a PURPOSE for our pain. For the greater good. During the trial this is hard to see because all we can see is the tears of sadness. These tears are beautiful. They are a cleansing, expressive way Jesus uses them so others will see him in us. Only He can take that and transform our lives for the better so we can make a difference in others lives while we are here.
Salvation is such a gift and no one is "good enough" or deserves his unmerited favor.We are ALL saved by grace through our relationship with Jesus Christ. Believing in God is not enough. The demons believe and tremble with fear. Satan knows his destiny. He is trying to take as many people with him.
Now more than ever, people need hope to hang on to. We have the key, the "game changer" Jesus.
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